Do watch the video posted in this article!
If you are stricken by poverty, others are chained in debt
If you don't have shoes, others have no feet
If you have committed a mistake, correct it
- the doors of repentance ever open!
The fountain of forgiveness is ever rich
So dont be sad, let all bygones be bygones
What is predestined for you, you shall see it happen
Being sad will not change anything
So dont be sad
Sadness spoils your life
So dont be sad
Supplication is your shield
Prayer is your beacon
So dont be sad
Prostration is your means
So dont be sad
See how vast is the Earth, How nice are the gardens and forests
How bright are the stars - all are happy but you are sad
So dont be sad
You have sweet water to drink
- fresh air to breather
- feet to walk with
You sleep safely in your bed
So dont be sad
Every cloud has a silver lining
After long nights come the bright sun
Life will soon give you a smile
So be ready to get it
And dont be sad!
Real life is that spent in happiness
So cross out your sad days from your age!
Peace of mind is the real treasure
Abu Hurayra reported Allah's Messenger said "Look at those who are inferior to you and do not look at those who are superior to you, for that is more likely to keep you from despising Allahs favour on you" (Hadith)
So Brothers & Sisters, there are many who have less than us, and who are going through more than us, let us all sit and reflect and praise and give thanks to Allah for all of the blessings we have, all the good that has been given to us. And let us also remember those who do not have much, in our prayers. Amin.
Brothers and Sisters, DO NOT BE SAD.